Resources: parental problem alcohol use
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The page is part of a comprehensive digital toolkit that AAI has developed to provide a wealth of resources and information about this topic.
Despite there being a unique set of stressful circumstances for children and families coping with parental problem alcohol use (PPAU), significant barriers exist to recognising this issue and to accessing both formal and informal support for those affected.
As part of the work of Silent Voices we aim to recommend good resources to help people deal with the trauma of growing up with PPAU. This experience is different for everyone, and specific groups – adult children and current children growing up with this issue, will require different supports. Professionals too, may need help in guiding people they work with.
This page contains links to videos, reading lists and professional services that can help people at all stages of life and their recovery journey.
The HSE and Tusla have established the National Hidden Harm Project to inform service planning and improve services for children in relation to Hidden Harm. You can find more information about it here.
Resources for adults
A comprehensive reading list is available here.
Counselling services resource for a full range of public and private support services.
A website, Trauma Informed Education was developed following a Maynooth University/Alcohol Action Ireland capacity building project, funded by the Irish Research Council. The project aimed to raise awareness and build capacity for trauma-informed practice within education systems.
An interactive map of treatment services in Ireland can be accessed here.
Resources for young people
Building Our Children’s Developing Brain – This webinar resource is for parents and looks at managing children’s emotions, developing self-regulation skills, and understanding what a child or young person might need during an emotional meltdown. It can be used by parents or professionals to help parents. The accompanying booklet is for parents of children of any age. The ideas in it can also be applied to parents as well.
A video created by young people in Ireland talking about parents with dependancy problems is available here. It is from the WITH (Wellbeing In The Home) project.
Find a full range of supports and more resources for children and young people here.
An interactive map of treatment services in Ireland can be accessed here.
About this episode:
Marion Rackard, psychotherapist, addiction counsellor and co-founder of Alcohol Action Ireland’s initiative Silent Voices, discusses the psychological impacts arising from growing up with parental problem alcohol use with Mick Devine, Clinical Director with the Tabor Group.
Mick has a particular interest in families that alcoholic people emerge from, as this was the experience with his own family. Our conversation will help counsellors or psychotherapists who work with this client group, who emerge from similar family settings or therapists working in this area.
Its production was supported by funding from the Mental Health Grant Scheme for Community and Voluntary Groups.
About these episodes:
Marion Rackard, co-founder of Alcohol Action Ireland’s initiative: Silent Voices, discusses the psychological implications of growing up with alcohol harm in the home with Stephanie Brown, PhD, licensed psychologist, researcher and author of Treating Adult Children of Alcoholics: A developmental Perspective.
This 2-part podcast is supported by the Irish Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists and Addiction Counsellors of Ireland. It is particularly suitable for therapists working in this area.
About this video:
This story is based on a real life but anonymised ISPCC case where a young girl’s wellbeing was being impacted by her mother’s drinking. Problem alcohol use in the home is an adverse childhood experience that can have impacts if left unrecognised and unsupported.
About this video:
A presentation from Dr Sharon Lambert, School of Applied Psychology, UCC explores the assessment and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on development.
Videos from Rethinking Addiction: Perspectives on Individual and Family Related Harms.
An online conference organised by the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, Addiction Counsellors of Ireland and Alcohol Action Ireland- Rethinking Addiction: Perspectives on Individual and Family Related Harms was held on 14 Nov 2020. Two members of the Silent Voices Advisory Group made presentations which are available to view at the links below.
The password for both is: AP