Sweden calls for an end to alcohol advertising on national television

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Sweden calls for an end to alcohol advertising on national television

Sweden has asked the UK to stop alcohol advertising in broadcasts to Sweden on the basis of the EU’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive..

3 December 2012. Today alcohol advertising is broadcasted on several Swedish TV channels even though there is a clear prohibition against alcohol advertising on radio and TV. By broadcasting from the UK, TV channels, so far, have managed to circumvent Swedish legislation. In 2011, IOGT-NTO filed a complaint with the Swedish Broadcasting Authority (SBA) against these broadcasts.

This week SBA has sent a letter to its British counterpart, Ofcom, requesting the UK to stop alcohol advertising in broadcasts to Sweden on the basis of the EU’s Audiovisual Media Services Directive.

The option for Sweden to cooperate with the United Kingdom in this matter was made possible when the EU adopted the new Audiovisual Media Services Directive where the so-called principle of the country of reception was introduced. That means in this case that Swedish law applies even when an advert is broadcasted from another country but entirely or mainly targets Sweden and a Swedish audience.

We have a prohibition against alcohol advertising on TV, there is a political consensus and strong public support for this law. That Sweden, through the SBA, requires that the UK stops alcohol advertising on Swedish TV channels is a great step forward, says Sara Heine, Head of Unit at IOGT-NTO.

Now we are in an exciting position where the UK either can chose the line of the Swedish Broadcasting Authority and stop alcohol advertising on Swedish TV or the case will continue to the EU level, says Sara Heine.