Transport and Communications Committee to meet FAI, GAA and IRFU on alcohol sponsorship

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The heads of Ireland’s largest sporting organisations will be before the Committee on Transport and Communications to discuss the implications of a possible ban on the sponsorship of major sporting events by alcohol drinks companies.

The Committee, which shadows the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, will hear from FAI CEO John Delaney, GAA Director General Páraic Duffy and IRFU CEO Philip Browne

Committee Chairman Tom Hayes TD says:  “Last year, proposals to curb alcohol misuse were presented by a Department of Health Steering Group, which included the phasing out of alcohol sponsorship of sporting and cultural events by 2016. This particular recommendation was opposed by Ireland’s major sporting organisations, who pointed to the financial impact of such a move.

“As the three largest sporting organisations in the country, we look forward to hearing from the heads of the FAI, GAA and IRFU on their perspectives on alcohol sponsorship of sporting events. With overdrinking such a pressing public health issue, the presentations tomorrow are also expected to outline the efforts by each sporting organisation to curb misuse of alcohol among young people in particular.”

The meeting takes place at 9:30 am on 27 March in Committee Room 4, LH 2000, and can be viewed online via the following link: