How much?
In 2023 alcohol consumption was 9.9 litres of pure alcohol per capita over the age of 15 year. This represents a fall of 10% since the passage of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act in 2018.

The modest government target is that Ireland should reduce its use to 9.1 litres per capita – a target originally set in 2013 and to be achieved by 2020.
The 2023 level is 8% above this target which is a significant improvement on the level in 2019 which was 18.5% above the target. However, if all who consume alcohol drank at or below the current HSE lower risk drinking guidelines, alcohol consumption would be at least 38% lower.
In 2023, Ireland consumed per drinker:
284 cans of beer + 12 bottles of spirits + 43 bottles of wine + 35 cans of cider
The World Health Organisation estimates that alcohol harm costs Ireland around €12 billion annually. At every stage when progressive alcohol policies are put forward, they are met with ferocious resistance from vested interests but improvements in our health and economy can only benefit all of society. Reducing alcohol use can bring about that change.
Since the 1990s, data shows that there has been a shift from consuming alcohol in pubs and bars (the on-trade sector) to consuming alcohol purchased in off-licences (including supermarkets and other retail outlets that sell alcohol). Between 1998 and 2018, the number of pub licences in Ireland decreased by 21.8%, from 10,395 to 8,134.
During the same time period, the combined number of wine and spirits off-licences increased by 407%, from 1,063 to 5,389. This means that people are now drinking at home more often than ever before, a trend that was further solidified during COVID-19. Research has found that adults who drink mainly at home report that they are aware that they run a risk of higher overall alcohol consumption therefore this trend may have long-term public health consequences.
Harmful alcohol use patterns
Alcohol-related harm is determined by the volume of alcohol consumed and the pattern of drinking. Not only has Ireland a very high level of alcohol consumption research from the Health Research Board (HRB) indicates we also have high levels of heavy episodic drinking (binging). HRB research indicates that more than half of all who drink are classified as hazardous drinkers which reflects these patterns.
In a study, the HRB found that binge drinking among low to moderate risk drinkers accounts for most alcohol-related harm in the population.
The research highlighted that monthly and occasional binge drinkers accounted for 62% of all drinkers in Ireland and this group consumed 70% of the alcohol, and accounted for 59% of the harms in the population.
According to the HRB, sustained high-volume drinking above low-risk drinking guidelines may not lead to much intoxication and acute consequences, such as accidents, but can lead to chronic harms such as liver cirrhosis. Acute intoxication or heavy episodic drinking (HED), even in a person who does not have a long-standing drinking problem, can result in alcohol poisoning and injuries.
In addition to all of this, the HRB 2019-2020 Irish Drug and Alcohol Survey indicates that almost 15% of the Irish population over the age of 15 has an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) – that’s around 578,000 people. The highest prevalence of AUD was among young people who drink aged 15-24 years with a rate of 37% for males and 38% for females.