Professor John Crown calls for a “change of culture” in relation to the consumption of alcohol by Oireachtas members before entering the Seanad or Dí¡il

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Professor John Crown, speaking in the Seanad, said: "There is a need for a code of conduct within the precincts of this building. That code should be based around not…

Continue ReadingProfessor John Crown calls for a “change of culture” in relation to the consumption of alcohol by Oireachtas members before entering the Seanad or Dí¡il

Failure to implement a ban on alcohol sponsorship of sports would be a failure to protect future generations from alcohol-related harm

Alcohol Action Ireland says the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications has ignored the evidence on the impact of alcohol marketing on young people Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity…

Continue ReadingFailure to implement a ban on alcohol sponsorship of sports would be a failure to protect future generations from alcohol-related harm