Alcohol and inequality factors in people taking own lives in rural areas
FOR ONE young man, suicide seemed a more natural option than trying to get into college. An older man said he would be better off dead because he was a burden on others.
FOR ONE young man, suicide seemed a more natural option than trying to get into college. An older man said he would be better off dead because he was a burden on others.
MORE THAN half of Irish men are against a ban on alcohol industry sponsorship of sports events as promised by the Government, a new survey has found. However most adults (58 per cent) support a minimum unit price for alcohol, according to the survey by the Health Research Board released yesterday.
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, today welcomed the news that the majority of Irish people continue to back the introduction of minimum pricing, a floor price…
Statement from the Department of Health Minister of State with responsibility for Primary Care, RoisÃn Shortall, T.D. today (11th July 2012) welcomed the publication by the Health Research Board of…
85% of people believe levels of alcohol consumption in Ireland are too high, a new survey on public attitudes has found.
From the Irish Examiner Education Minister Ruairi Quinn has backed proposals to ban the alcohol industry from sponsoring sports events, and the idea that concert-goers should be scanned for weapons.…
The column inches dedicated to what happened at Swedish House Mafia and Co. are longer than the queue for the portaloos at Florence + The Machine, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing more to read about it.
From the Irish Independent SIX hours before Swedish House Mafia took to the stage on Saturday night, an undeniable air of menace clung to Phoenix Park. Even that early in…
Letter to the Irish Independent So the country is shocked at what its youth gets up to when they gather to drink at a music festival. Spare me. Go to…
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - 02:12 PM in the Irish Examiner The Garda Commissioner is today meeting organisers of Saturday night's Swedish House Mafia concert in the Phoenix Park. Martin…