Provisional alcohol duty clearances and receipts for Q1 2021
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national independent advocate for reducing alcohol harm, notes the Revenue’s provisional alcohol duty clearances and receipts for Q1 2021, which indicates an 18.7% reduction in overall…
Hidden Harm – the need to focus on children’s needs.
Last week (May 18th, 2021) in partnership with Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Alcohol Action Ireland presented a policy paper to more than 100 people on the issue of problem parental substance use. The idea of the event and…
HIDDEN HARM AND COVID-19: Exploring Impacts and Solutions
Given the likely increase in adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), specifically problem parental substance use, during the COVID pandemic, it is vital that mitigation measures are put in place to address issues that have caused…
HRB Overview Series: Alcohol in Ireland.
Health Research Board: “In order for it to have a real impact, the Public Health (Alcohol) Act needs to be implemented in full as soon as possible.” …
Alcohol Action welcomes government decision to commence minimum pricing for alcohol products
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national independent advocate for reducing alcohol harm, welcomes the government decision today (Tues 4th May) to commence Section 11 of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act, 2018. The…
MUP – the greater public good far outweighs continued protection of private commercial interest.
Alcohol Action Ireland, the national independent advocate for reducing alcohol harm, today (Wednesday 28th April) notes the comment from Retail Ireland (IBEC) on the likely commencement by government of Section…
Supporting children and families in Ireland
Alcohol Action Ireland has in recent weeks responded to national consultations relating to the lives of children and families. Although we do not provide services, as the national advocate for…
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