Make roads safer

Make roads safer - reduce alcohol levels for drivers, Alcohol Action Ireland urges Government Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, called on the Government to move forward with legislation that would reduce the amount of alcohol you can drive with from a Blood Alcohol Concentration limit of 80mgs of alcohol per 100mls blood to 50mgs.

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Alcohol misuse contributing significantly to anxiety, depression and suicide

Alcohol misuse contributing significantly to anxiety, depression and suicide – 2 out of 5 cases of deliberate self-harm involve alcohol “Raise alcohol taxes in Budget to fund early intervention, prevention and treatment services and combat alcohol related harm”

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€600 million more spent on alcohol than food – are we ready to pay the price?

€600 million more spent on alcohol than food – are we ready to pay the price? Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, today described findings that Ireland spends more €7.1 billion* on alcohol – €600 million more than food - as “disturbing”.

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€600 million more spent on alcohol than food — are we ready to pay the price?

€600 million more spent on alcohol than food – are we ready to pay the price? Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, today described findings that Ireland spends more €7.1 billion* on alcohol – €600 million more than food - as “disturbing”.

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Children and young people still exposed to alcohol as if it were ‘milk’

Children and young people still exposed to alcohol as if it were ‘milk’ – new drink sales law is missed opportunity Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues, today welcomed new restrictions on alcohol sales but said the law did not go far enough with children and young people still being exposed to alcohol in shops and supermarkets as if it were an “ordinary product” like milk or fruit juice.

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