Public Health (Alcohol) Bill offers Dáil Éireann historic opportunity to deal with Ireland’s harmful relationship with alcohol

Alcohol Action Ireland today welcomed the commencement of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill before Dáil Éireann this evening (6th Feb). This marks a major milestone for the proposed legislation especially…

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The alcohol industry and their IBEC surrogates should have no place ‘inside the room’ of alcohol policy.

Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI) have expressed disappointment on the recent media commentary from alcohol industry groups criticising the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill, and more notably the intervention of IBEC, decrying…

Continue ReadingThe alcohol industry and their IBEC surrogates should have no place ‘inside the room’ of alcohol policy.

Alcohol Action Ireland expresses its deep frustration over government senators’ undermining of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill

Recent media reporting (IT, 04.11.17) has highlighted the undermining of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill by a small number of Fine Gael senators who, yet again, are demanding that the complaints…

Continue ReadingAlcohol Action Ireland expresses its deep frustration over government senators’ undermining of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill

CEO attends EU presidency conference ‘Cross-Border aspects in Alcohol Policy – tackling harmful use of Alcohol’

Suzanne Costello, Alcohol Action Ireland CEO, has attended the Estonian EU Presidency's conference on alcohol policy in Tallinn. The aim of the conference is to reduce alcohol related harm in…

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