Minimum Pricing Campaign: Update
The need for minimum pricing, a floor price beneath which alcohol cannot be sold, was underlined further last week when a well known retailer offered cider at 7p a unit…
The need for minimum pricing, a floor price beneath which alcohol cannot be sold, was underlined further last week when a well known retailer offered cider at 7p a unit…
FOSTER parents and public health groups have urged federal politicians to take urgent action to prevent more babies from suffering foetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
THE SPECIALIST off-licence sector will “die a death within five years†unless the Government “urgently†implements key Department of Health recommendations to address alcohol abuse, its representative group has claimed.
A UNIVERSITY student plunged to his death after taking a short cut on his way home from a party by vaulting over a 6ft-high wall -- without realising there was a 30ft drop on the other side.
As the Government pledges a crackdown on alcohol prices and marketing, Peter Cheney assesses the scale of Irish alcoholism and the differing proposals to tackle the problem. Ministers are preparing…
We're drinking less often than many of our European counterparts these days -- but as a nation we're putting it away far too quickly. Yesterday, drinkaware.
Efforts to break the ‘drunken Irish’ stereotype on St Patrick’s Day in Dublin resulted in one of the most enjoyable festivals ever, according to a senior garda.
The Government has warned that it will consider a ban on alcohol advertising unless more action is taken to reduce young people's exposure to it. Alcohol advertising: document seeks to…
Europeans are world's heaviest drinkers: WHO report LONDON | Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:42pm EDT (Reuters) - People in Europe drink more alcohol than in any other part of the…
As the Government pledges a crackdown on alcohol prices and marketing, Peter Cheney assesses the scale of Irish alcoholism and the differing proposals to tackle the problem.