
The Children Affected by Parental Alcohol Problems (CHAPAPS) Project

Alcohol Action Ireland was invited to compile the Ireland country report for a European study which aimed to review and identify the main approaches adopted by EU partners in addressing the issue of the children affected by parental alcohol problems. Although research has consistently demonstrated that parental alcohol problems can, and do, have negative and serious impacts on the health, development and welfare of children, this group of children remain hidden when it comes to policy, services and data collection. It is particularly timely that this report is launched during the development of Ireland’s National Strategy on Substance Misuse, and at a time when the EU commission is putting a focus on how member states protect young people and children, from alcohol-related harms.

The goal of the ChAPAPs project 2007 – 2010 is to prevent and reduce the negative consequences of parental drinking. It is funded by European Commission, Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection to support a strategy to protect young people and children from alcohol-related harms, by contributing to a greater understanding of the situation for ChAPAPs in participating countries.

Alcohol Action Ireland compiled the Ireland report with support from Irish experts in the fields of alcohol and child welfare drawn from academia, service delivery and policy.

The Report on the Research, Policy, Practice and Service Development Relating to ChAPAPs across Europe can be accessed by clicking the following link:

Report on the Research, Policy, Practice and Service Development relating to ChAPAPs across Europe

The above report is complemented by the following reports on all elements of the ChAPAPs project 2007-2010

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