Our Approach

Alcohol Action Ireland takes a public health approach to alcohol harm. We focus on the implementation of evidence-based public health policies that will deliver the widest benefits to the greatest number of people within the population.


Findings from research on alcohol consumption in Ireland show that, among those who drink, the majority are doing so in a harmful manner, with younger drinkers most likely to do so. Our high levels of alcohol consumption has major public health implications


We believe that the Government has a pivotal role to play in putting in place policies to reduce alcohol harm, with the Public Health (Alcohol) Act representing the important first step in this regard. This legislation is designed to tackle Ireland’s harmful relationship with alcohol. It aims to reduce the damage that alcohol causes to individuals, families and society by reducing our alcohol consumption, with a particular focus on protecting children and young people from alcohol harm.

We  are  aware that what we are striving to achieve will require significant change and that we cannot do that alone. To that end, Alcohol Action Ireland works with a wide range of other stakeholders so that more voices are heard on the issue of alcohol-related harm, whether on a local, regional, national or European level.