Our goals 2025-2029
Goal 1: The establishment of a dedicated Government Office to reduce alcohol harms
Home » About us » Our Strategy » Our goals 2025-2029 » Goal 1: The establishment of a dedicated Government Office to reduce alcohol harms

This Office will take the lead in coordinating all actions around alcohol, which will have the effect of keeping the whole-of-government focus on this critical issue and limit the reach of the alcohol industry in delaying and obstructing public health alcohol policy.
It is critical that there is a coherent government approach to alcohol policy and for this reason we are advocating strongly for a dedicated Alcohol Office which should be funded through a levy on the alcohol industry.
The main roles/aims of such an Office would include:
1. Cohesive, across-Government approach to reducing alcohol harms with prevention at its core.
2. Evidence-based alcohol strategy and policy development
3. A new health-based target of alcohol consumption per capita should be set at 6.1 litres per capita
4. Data gathering and analysis regarding alcohol, its harms and the true financial cost to Ireland
5. Responsibility for alcohol advertising/marketing restrictions across all media
6. Full implementation of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act
7. Development of actions to levy the alcohol industry for the financial costs of alcohol harms
8. Development and coordination of services for victims of alcohol harms
9. Responsibility for alcohol licensing strategy
10. Responsibility for 3 yearly review of lower risk alcohol guidelines
We need your help!
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