Our goals 2025-2029

Goal 2: The requirement that the alcohol industry should pay for the costs of alcohol harms in Ireland

The World Health Organisation, OECD, International Monetary Fund and World Bank agree that controls on alcohol pricing are the most effective measures in reducing alcohol consumption and its associated harms.


There is clear evidence of the success of pricing policies from other countries. In some jurisdictions there are levies on the alcohol industry which are ring-fenced to provide services to address the harms from alcohol. For alcohol tax and excise policies to maintain their public health value, they must be regularly increased in line with inflation. 


Ireland has Minimum Unit Pricing and a system of excise duties on alcohol. However, there is no automatic uprating mechanism or linkages between the scale of the harm caused and the price paid for alcohol.

Our advocacy in this area will include:

  • Specific levy on alcohol industry ringfenced for harm reduction – Polluter pays principle
  • Link both Minimum Unit Price for alcohol and excise duties to inflation
  • Link alcohol taxation and excise levels to pay the costs of alcohol harms to the Irish taxpayer
  • Gathering and analysis of data in relation to affordability of alcohol
  • Pursue the divestment of government investments in the alcohol industry
  • End government support for the alcohol industry through grants and tax breaks

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