Failure to implement a ban on alcohol sponsorship of sports would be a failure to protect future generations from alcohol-related harm

Alcohol Action Ireland says the Joint Committee on Transport and Communications has ignored the evidence on the impact of alcohol marketing on young people Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity…

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Committee: Alcohol sponsorship ban would be ‘detrimental’ to sports industry

  • Post category:News

A GROUP OF TDs and Senators are likely to reject an outright ban on alcohol companies sponsoring sports events in a report to be published today. The report of the Oireachtas Committee on Transport and Communications will say that implementing a ban will have a negative and detrimental impact on th

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Sunbathing and alcohol cause cancer rates to soar: Unhealthy lifestyles blamed for huge rises in past decade

  • Post category:World News

Sunbathing has been blamed for a massive surge in cancer rates over the past ten years. Cancers caused by unhealthy lifestyles, such as drinking and smoking, have seen a rise of up to two-thirds in the last decade, official figures show.

Continue ReadingSunbathing and alcohol cause cancer rates to soar: Unhealthy lifestyles blamed for huge rises in past decade